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Cokel Forestry

Team Building with Purpose

Five Indigenous Construction Participation Program (ICPP) teams gathered in downtown Calgary recently to tour the TC Energy corporate office and learn from past participants who have now become environmental inspectors.

The day started with a tour of TC Energy’s control room, which included information on the control centers, their locations in North America, shutdowns, and fail-safes for potential issues in TC Energy’s network of pipelines and facilities. Next, the ICPP teams got to know each other, by presenting about themselves, and meet some of the support personnel from the TC Energy office over lunch. “It was a good way for the field and office teams to understand one another’s role and the value of the program,” stated Dina Sutherland, ICPP Program Manager.

At the end of the day, two past ICPP participants, who have gone on to be environmental inspectors, told the group how they advanced and became environmental inspectors. “Our trip to the TC Energy office and being able to meet each of the other crews was an awesome experience. I have already learned so much throughout this season, but being able to hear from past ICPP participants about how they became environmental inspectors was definitely the highlight of the trip. I learned from them that you can never have enough education, that you will always be learning and the only one stopping you from succeeding is yourself,” explained Makayla Beck, Lundbreck ICPP participant from the Metis Nation of Alberta, Region 3.

TC Energy’s ICPP facilitates Indigenous environmental monitoring with on-the-job training. Two objectives of the program are to provide opportunities for Indigenous community members to build practical understanding of NGTL’s construction activities and mitigation measures and facilitate Indigenous employment and training opportunities. “The Indigenous Construction Participation Program (ICPP) offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and experience in pipeline construction. The program's emphasis on environmental considerations and mitigation measures stood out. By combining my traditional knowledge with industry best practices, the ICPP can provide a truly enriching experience. Don't just be a passenger, participate by taking notes, photos and asking questions to maximize your progress. The ICPP can be a stepping stone toward a brighter future by combining traditional knowledge with modern environmental practices during pipeline construction,” stated Gary Calliou, past ICPP Participant who is now an Environmental Inspector.

"You need to be confident and determined to work hard, and to invest time and money into yourself. In years to come I hope to see one of you up here presenting on your experience of becoming an Environmental Inspector." Leanna Willier, past ICPP participant who is now an Environmental Inspector.

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1 comentário

03 de nov. de 2023

The ICPP was a eye opening experience I have gained a vast amount of learning about how to protect this beautiful land that the creator has loaned us during my participation in the ICPP If you get a chance to participate in this program don't pass it up hi hi

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